So many books, so little time! I love reading and have gained so much from many, many books. I’m going to include just a few that I find myself returning to time and time again for information and support. I am linking them, where possible to websites where you could buy them yourself if you want to.

The Book of Shiatsu: Vitality and Health through the Art of Touch by Paul Lundberg
This is a newer edition of the book than the one I have, but I still return to it time and time again. Paul is one of the founders and a director of The Shiatsu College and I was fortunate enough to be taught by him. This book provides a guide to shiatsu and shows some step-by-step techniques. It also has information on a range of conditions that shiatsu may be beneficial for.

Shiatsu Theory and Practice by Carola Beresford-Cooke
Carola is another founder of The Shiatsu College and has written this comprehensive guide for students and professional shiatsu therapists. It includes both theory and practice of Zen Shiatsu as well as the theoretical foundations of both Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Five Phase theory.
This book includes step-by-step descriptions of treatment routines and techniques as well as case histories. There are detailed descriptions and illustrations of meridians, point locations and functions. It’s my go-to book that I return to when I want to remind myself of techniques and functions of points.

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
This is my go-to book for when I want to remind myself about life and how it can be – how we can make our world a better place.

What Doesn’t Kill Us by Professor Stephen Joseph
This book really opened my eyes to the possibility of Post Traumatic Growth after Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Professor Joseph has worked with survivors of trauma and sufferers of posttraumatic stress and, in this book, he challenges current notions about trauma and its aftermath. His studies have shown that a wide range of traumatic events can actually act as catalysts for positive change and revealing inner strengths.

The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk
Another book that looks at the aftermath of trauma. Bessel van der Kolk is recognised as one of the world’s experts on traumatic stress and offers a new paradigm for treatment, moving away from standard talking and drug therapies and towards an alternative approach that heals mind, brain and body.

The Spark in the Machine: How the Science of Acupuncture Explains the Mysteries of Western Medicine by
Dr Daniel Keown
This is an interesting and humorous book written by a UK registered doctor who also trained in Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. I was fortunate to be able to hear Doctor Dan speak at a Shiatsu College residential course. He does a great job of marrying together how Western medicine supports the theories of Chinese medicine and also how Chinese medicine explains the mysteries of the body that Western medicine largely ignores.